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Blood Type Diet: What’s Good for a Hunter is Bad for a Nomad

The blood type diet is an original and very popular nutrition plan these days and is the research work of two generations of American nutritionists D'Adamo. According to their idea, in the course of evolution, the way people live changes the biochemistry of the body, which means that each blood type has an individual character and requires special gastronomic needs. Even if traditional science refers to this method with skepticism, this does not affect the number of fans of the blood type diet!

Blood Type Diet: Eat What Is in Your Nature!

Based on many years of medical practice, years of nutritional counseling, as well as research of his father, James D'Adamo, American naturopath doctor Peter D'Adamo suggested that not height, weight, or skin color, but blood type is the main factor of similarity and the differences of people.

Different blood groups interact in different ways with lecithins, the most important building cellular substances. Lecithins are contained in all tissues of the human body and are generously supplied from outside with food. However, chemically lecithins contained, for example, in meat, are different from lecithins in plant foods. The blood type diet helps you choose those lecithins that your body needs to live happily.

The theoretical basis of the methodology of the doctor was his work Eat Right 4 Your Type, which means “Eat correctly in accordance with one of the four types of your blood”. The first edition of the book was published in 1997, and since then the description of the blood type diet methodology has been kept on American bestseller lists, having gone through several reprints and revisions.

According to the author of the blood type diet, knowing our blood type, we can understand what our ancestors did. And to form your menu without contradicting history: hunters are traditionally supposed to eat meat, and for nomads, it’s better to avoid milk.

Blood Type Diet: Your Menu Is Made up by… Your Ancestors

1. Blood group I (international classification - O)

This group is described by Dr. D'Adamo as “hunting.” He argues that it is this type who is the blood of the first people on Earth, formed into a separate type about 30 thousand years ago. The correct diet for the blood group of "hunters" - predictable, with a high content of meat protein.

33% of the world's population can identify themselves as the descendants of the ancient brave hunters. There is a scientific opinion that it was from the first blood group the process of natural selection that all others occurred.

The diet for the first blood group requires that the diet should include: red meat, broccoli, leafy vegetables, fatty sea fish and seafood, walnuts, sprouts, seaweed, figs, and prunes. Observing the diet according to the first blood group, gastroenterologists say that you should avoid salty foods and products that cause fermentation (apples, cabbage), including juices made from them.

2. Blood group II (international classification - A)

According to the doctor, it means that you came from the first farmers who separated into a separate “blood type” about 20 thousand years ago. The blood type 2 diet excludes meat and dairy products from the diet, providing the green light to vegetarianism and eating fruits. About 38% of the population of the Earth belongs to the second blood group - almost half of us came from the first farmers!

In order not to gain weight and avoid health problems, the owners of the second blood group on the appropriate diet are advised to remove the following from their menu: dairy products, wheat dishes, beans, potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes and olives, oranges, bananas, mangoes, coconuts, tangerines, papaya and melon

3. Blood group III (international classification - B)

This group belongs to the descendants of nomads. It was formed about 10 thousand years ago, and it is characterized by a strong immune system and unpretentious digestion, however, nomads should avoid dairy products - their bodies are historically prone to lactose intolerance.

About 20% of the inhabitants of the Earth belong to the third blood group. The type that arose during the period of active migration of the masses is distinguished by excellent adaptability and a certain omnivorousness: wandering back and forth over continents, nomads are used to eating what they have, with maximum benefit for themselves.

Diet for the third blood group is considered the most diverse and balanced. Owners of the third blood group in order to preserve health and maintain a normal weight must refrain from pork and chicken meat, seafood, corn olives, lentils, nuts, and especially alcohol.

4. Blood group IV (international classification - AB)

The last, fourth group, is the youngest from a historical point of view. This group got the name "mystery". The first representatives of this relatively rare type appeared less than 1,000 years ago and illustrate the evolutionary variability in action, combining the features of very different groups I and II.

The blood of such biochemistry is the result of the newest stages of natural selection and the influence of external conditions that have changed in recent centuries. Today, less than 10% of the total population of the planet can boast to have this mysterious mixed type.

These people should eat soy in various forms, tofu, fish and caviar, dairy products, green vegetables and fruits, rice berries, and drink dry red wine. And at the same time, the following products should be avoided: red meat, offal and meat products, any beans, buckwheat, corn, and wheat, oranges, bananas, guavas, coconuts, mangoes, pomegranates, persimmons, mushrooms, and nuts.

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