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How to Deal With the Tired Leg Syndrome

Who among us has not experienced leg fatigue? After hard work, long walks, or, for example, after a flight in an airplane, this is quite a normal reaction of the body.

Mostly, it’s the women who suffer from foot problems. This is partly due to the fact that the beautiful gender is more willing to make sacrifices for the sake of beauty: studs, uncomfortable, but beautiful shoes, and pointed shoes. Also, women are more susceptible to hormonal changes that periodically undermine their health.

In addition, excessive weight can create an additional load on the joints, causing discomfort in the legs. If the legs often become tired, then this brings a certain discomfort in everyday life. The causes can be very different, as well as the ways to deal with the tired leg syndrome.

What Is Tired Leg Syndrome?

When episodic cases of unpleasant sensations in the legs become chronic. They bother you almost every day, regardless of the level of physical activity or time of day. This condition is called restless legs or tired legs syndrome, which characterized by:

  • legs are tired and aching;
  • swelling in the lower legs;
  • spasms in the calves;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • fingers getting stiff.

Causes of Tired Legs

The main reason for tired, swollen or aching in legs is a violation of blood flow and lymph flow. Due to the reduced blood flow, less reaches the upper body and stagnation in the vessels are formed. Lack of physical activity leads to weakening of the muscles of the cortex, which are intended to maintain the tone of the internal organs.

Impaired blood circulation leads to inflammation in the walls of blood vessels. A little later the veins expand and put pressure on nearby tissues and nerve endings. This causes unpleasant sensations and sometimes pain. If you do not take the time to solve this problem, you may develop varicose veins and then thrombophlebitis as well. From such symptoms suffer those who do not get up from a sitting position for a long time and also abuse smoking.

The second most popular reason why legs get tired quickly, especially after walking, is joint problems. For example, it may be flat feet or heel spurs. Incorrect load distribution and degenerative processes lead to joint deformities, inflammations, and even back problems. Blood circulation is impaired, the nutrition of the tissues deteriorates and the process of their dysfunction and gradual dying begins.

Tired legs syndrome can arise not only from low activity but also from excessive too. If your leg muscles get tired, then you should check your physical activity. Perhaps too intense loads do not allow you to relax and rest. A good practice is to train the upper and lower parts of the body in turn, so that the recovery has its place. Do not neglect a good warm-up to prepare the muscles, ligaments, and tendons for full-fledged workout.

5 Tips on How to Reduce Leg Pain

If discomfort and fatigue overcome your legs too often, this is a reason to consult a doctor of podiatry for a detailed examination. He will help you choose the treatment to alleviate the symptoms and tell you what else can be done in your particular case.

In addition to the recommendations of the doctor or simply for prevention, regularly perform a set of the following procedures to relieve the feeling of tiredness and heaviness in the legs:

Tip 1

First of all, as soon as you have the opportunity, lift your legs up. You will help venous blood and lymph to speed up your path without stagnating. The optimum lifting height is at the level of the heart or slightly higher.

Tip 2

If you have a sedentary job, do not avoid to get up every 40-45 minutes and do a little exercise to pump blood. A few squats roll from heel to toe. Walk a few minutes, climb up the stairs.

Tip 3

Avoid uncomfortable shoes, especially if your legs get tired in high heels. According to the recommendations of orthopedists, the ideal heel height is 1-2 inches. Thoroughly try on shoes and insoles before purchasing, to avoid all possible inconveniences.

Tip 4

Do not fill up overnight. This will let you not only save your figure but also avoid swelling of the leg. Remember the rule to drink about 2 liters of water per day? So, try to drink most of it in the morning. Instead of coffee and tea, it is preferable to drink plain clean water. And less alcohol.

Tip 5

Monitor the feet position when you sit. Avoid crossing them, do not lay one foot on the other. Change position more often. Sit up straight. If possible, take off your shoes.

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