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Why Your Sex Isn’t That Pleasant Anymore

Sex is one of the most beautiful and pleasant things that happen between a loving couple. What a disappointment both feel if something goes wrong. Unfortunately, pain during sex in women occurs quite often. In difficult cases, it may be connected with traumas or the experience of sexual abuse. This requires psychotherapeutic treatment and lots of patience.

But what if everything is fine, you have no traumatic experience or vaginismus and suddenly sex became painful? There can be multiple physiological reasons for this. The main thing you should remember is that each problem of such type is solvable. And it totally needs to be solved because pain means that something isn’t normal with your body.

Possible Causes for Pain During Sex in Women

There are numerous possible causes. It doesn't’ necessarily mean a severe disease. Sometimes it is enough to correct your current treatment together with your doctor and everything will be fine again. Don’t deprive yourself of being healthy and happy. Therefore, you may feel pain because of the following things.

Your birth control pills

Some hormonal birth control reduces the secretion of natural lube in your vagina. Having sex with a dry vagina isn’t comfortable. A special water-based intimate lube will solve this problem.

A week before ovulation

The vaginal discharge isn’t the same in different days of the cycle. Sometimes they are very heavy (the heaviest are in the middle of the cycle), sometimes very light. So you have two options - to wait or to use lube.

A course of antihistamines

If you suffer from an allergy and treat it with antihistamines, they can influence the amount of your vaginal discharge. They reduce the swelling of the mucosa but also influence blood circulation in your intimate organs. Ask your doctor about other treatment options.

Uterine fibroids

It’s a benign tumor very common in women of the childbearing age. If they grow big, they start bringing discomfort that includes pain during sex. An ultrasound exam will help diagnose them. Uterine fibroid treatment is optional and depends on each individual case.

Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts increase the pressure in the lower abdomen and may become the reason why your sex has turned into a painful activity. Make an appointment with your gyno and take an ultrasound exam.


Menopause is the time when the function of ovaries reduces. This influences the vaginal discharge and makes the vagina dry. Even if you are in your 30s you should consider this variant too. The cases of early menopause tend to become more often, so check your hormone levels.


When you breastfeed, the level of estrogen in your body is reduced. This influences the amount of vaginal discharge. Lube will help you go through this period. As soon as you finish breastfeeding, everything will be fine again.

You can see that half of the common problems can be solved with the help of lube. In any case, you shouldn't leave the situation without attention. And, of course, understanding and patience from your partner are necessary to go through this difficult period without negativity, quarrels, and doubts. Don’t tolerate the pain - go to your doctor!

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